Ash handling

Noxor AB constructs and supplies specialist bottom ash handling systems for solid fuel boilers such as:

We can handle all types of ash from solid fuel processes Bottom ash, return shaft ash, cyclone ash and fly ash. The characteristics of all these vary, depending on the combustion process and type of fuel involved.

Bottom ash:

Wet Ash from roaster boilers, e.g. ash from coal, biofuel, recycled chips, bark, peat and straw. These ashes are handled using our wet output feeders.

Dry ash from fluidised bed (FB)/fluidised bed combustion (FBC) boilers, e.g. ash from biofuel, recycled chips, domestic waste and other refuse. These ashes are handled in a number of ways, one of which is using our water-cooled bottom ash screws.

Return shaft ash:

Return shaft ash from FB/FBC boilers has a smaller particle size than bottom ash but can have the same high temperature. Return shaft ash is handled in the same way as bottom ash but often with substantially smaller capacities.

Cyclone ash and fly ash:

Examples of the characteristics of cyclone ash and fly ash: dusty, abrasive, hygroscopic (attracts water vapour), chemically aggressive and a tendency to hang in the air.